The Eastlake Baseball Booster Club (EBBBC) is not-for-profit, volunteer organization, working in conjunction with the Eastlake Wolfpack Association, the Lake Washington School District/KingCo Athletic Conference, and the Eastlake Athletic Department. The purpose of EBBC is to support, encourage, and acknowledge the endeavors of students participating in the Eastlake High School Boys Baseball Program.
The EBBC provides support to the Eastlake Baseball program and activities and the athletic community at large by promoting athletic events and enhancing school spirit. EBBC's activities include fund raising, hospitality, publicity, communication with the school and the community, and encouraging attendance at games.
The EBBC recognizes that participation in high school athletics benefits everyone, and the Booster Club promotes opportunities to build and strengthen relationships among all involved: the student body, Eastlake High School staff, parents, alumni, and our community.
Eastlake Baseball Club
704 228TH AVE NE PMB 934
SAMMAMISH WA 98074-7222
EIN 77-0616862